Interiors Of Bellagio In Las Vegas

And so it is. Everything in Las Vegas is BIG! I was immediately welcomed at the Bellagio lobby with this very extra large floral arrangement. Couldn’t even fit the whole photo in my frame! Gorgeous, nonetheless. I thought that this was the sign of things to come. The attention to detail. Egregious? You decide.

The detail on the reservation desk and the sconces behind the reservation desk…HUGE!

Note the craftsmanship of the granite detail against the curved panel. And just in case you missed it, I took a closer look at the vase for you…it’s lit! What’s Vegas without lights, right?

Even the cake is HUGE!! No, don’t look at the two small 30-inch cakes that are flanking the lady. The lady IS the cake!! But enough about the cake. What about the glass detail on the ceiling?

I couldn’t resist taking every opportunity to take photos. Details are everywhere! This image is of the interior of one of Bellagio’s elevator.

As I wait to be seated for breakfast, above is a detailed arch which is very characteristic of italian renaissance. But wait, what do I have in front of me? See photo below…

Yup…GIANT poppies!
Well, my name is called. Time to check out the Cafe Bellagio’s interior!

I don’t know about you, but the detail on the crown of this column bothers me.

Massive columns should look like its part. It is carrying tremendous load above and this feels uncomfortably dainty!

Check out the tile backsplash.

…and the window treatments.

Of course, I thought of you. Here you go. A detailed photo of the fabric.
Well, it’s time to go. One last look at Bellagio. Yes, look up. So much to look at.

The Bellagio certainly didn’t skimp on the lighting detail. Don’t forget to look up at the soffits. Cove lighting everywhere. Gotta believe the electric bill is enormous. Cha-ching!!

As I bid farewell to Bellagio, I am once reminded of all the details I am leaving behind. The coffered ceilings, large light fixtures, soffit details, column details, and more! To think that this is the practice run for the Wynn? They’ve certainly wet my appetite for more so off I went to my next casino.